Tuesday, January 31, 2012

National Education Technology Plan (NETP)

In reading the National Education Technology Plan (NETP) the goals and recommendations are very clear in respects to teaching, learning and professional development and training.  With this plan it is very clear that with teaching and learning that educators are increasing the use of technology into their curriculum these changes are reaching and empowering today’s learners with everything they need to deal with the growing use of technology. Not only is it reaching the students but it is helping the educators to design curriculum that promotes critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and college and career readiness. Educators have to develop things that are age appropriate for all levels of learners. According to the plan states should continue to revise, create and implement standards using what is defined as the 21st Century technology.

Professional development and training are also key factors in succeeding for the 21st Century learner. Districts have developed several opportunities for educators to receive the training they need to keep up with the advancements in technology. Technology is constantly being revised and improving; therefore there is always a need for training. There are 20 regional education service centers that play a critical role in providing training for educators so that they are able to teach in the 21st Century classroom. These trainings will enable educators to be able to create and increase their technology skills in order for them to implement and present to their students assignments, and assessments that are technology based.

There are also grants in place that allow for the educational training needed for educators such as Title II , Part D which states that at least 25% of funding go towards professional development. Educators also have access to online, and state owned instructional material.

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