Sunday, July 8, 2012


In reflecting on my campus-supervised Internship activities I would have to say that things are moving along a little slow. The center where I was working on some of my activities got the new that we were closing in Dec. 2011 and we spent the last 6 months preparing to close down. Therefore I was unable to get a lot of the things completed that I wanted to during that time. I am going to estimate that I have completed between 40-67 hours, I say that because I have several documents that are conflicting with the internship hours. I have been keeping up with the competencies on the tracking roadmap, not sure if this is an updated one but it was downloaded in April and the only class I see on it so far is 5301 which was completed March 18 & 25, 2012. These competencies consist of action research plan, and class blueprint.

During this time I have learned that it is very important to complete the research needed in order to implement technology and the most important thing is to stay updated on new technology because there is always room to grow. Studying the Long Range Plan for technology, TEKS, Campus Plans and becoming more familiar with Goals for technology within my district have really been beneficial and informative. These things will help me to become a better and informed educator.

Action Research plan is coming along slowly, but I am currently working on surveys, questionnaires, and analysis spreadsheets. I will be conducting the surveys and questionnaires when school reopens in August 2012. I wouldn’t do anything differently; however, I will be making some changes with the steps used to complete my plan. One of those changes will most likely be using a storyboard instead of a social network, there are several steps remaining that require completion by students and teachers such as surveys and questionnaires. I believe changing to a storyboard will best benefit the students on campus and it will show administrators the importance of using technology to its full advantage to help students reach their full potential for the working world.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Reflections of EDLD 5363 Multimedia Video Technology

Web Conference serve as an excellent tool that helps to assist with class work for online classes. Sometimes we look to deep into an assignment to the point of not understanding or making the simplest things more complicated.

I attended conferences on June 4, 16, and 30th, each one of the conferences helped me with things that I was looking to deep into causing me confusion and misunderstanding of what I was supposed to be doing.

During week one working on the storyboard was fun, the only thing I had a problem with was learning the new program. During the web conference I learned somethings about some programs that I had never heard of, you get comfortable with what you use and never think about trying new programs or software.

During week two the conference gave me a chance to meet some new members in the program, during this time I got a chance to talk with different people to start looking at people who I might work well with in a group setting. I had no idea who I would be able to work with effectively to get the job done that we needed to get done in weeks 3, 4, and 5. Some of the instructions were a little confusing only because I was looking to much into them and making them seem harder then they really were. I got a chance to ask questions during the conference that clarified some things for me pertaining to the work.

During the conference in week four, there were several people with the same question about the group projects and the assignment documents that went along with it. During the previous week and this week our group met on google hangout several times to get our project in it's final stages in order to only have to tweak during the last week. People were a little confused about one of the assignment documents that said we were supposed to upload our video to a free link like YouTube and submit the link, Dr. Abernathy cleared this up by stating as a group we just add that "Our group is currently working on editing and finalizing our PSA video."

This class has really given me the opportunity to work with other video editing and audio software that I have never used before. I work with video editing software and I like to stick with what I know but enjoyed working with the others because they are a lot simpler than Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum. I have worked it for awhile and I still have a lot to learn how to manipulate and maneuver. I wrote down every software and program that was suggested during the conferences because it never hurts to learn a little about all of them.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 5 Reflections

During the course of Research for Teachers (EDLD5301) I have been challenged to learn things that were very new to me, such as completing an Action Research Plan. This was a challenge because I have always been on the other end of research and implementation of new educational tools. I have been the one that has been asked the questions or used to see how a new program or curriculum would work but I have never been on the end of actually trying to research and implement something especially of this magnitude.

There are a lot of things to consider and be aware of when completing research it is not something that you can take lightly or put on the back burner and work on for a short time. In order to get great results you will have to work on it a little each day constantly doing research on the web, talking to people and looking for ways to make your research better. Great research with a completed plan that will give people a clear understanding on what brought you to do the research in the first place, what works and what doesn't work, and also including personal experiences that will help understand why your plan needs to be reviewed and implemented in every aspect of education.

I thank all of my colleagues along with Dr. Abshire for all their help in forming an effective action research plan. During this time we as a group have tried to help each other the best we could and along the way we have actually been a help to someone. I wish everyone great success during their research.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

8 Steps From Analysis to Action

This week has been very interesting to say the least, I spent the better part of the week rethinking and changing my mind on what I actually wanted to research. Once I made up my mind I spent the rest of the week trying to narrow the list down within that category. I am still a little uneasy about what I have decided to do but I am glad I was told it isn't set in stone I can still change my mind.

For me this is like shopping and when you go to purchase something you know when you have made the correct choice, it's like the item spoke to you. Well this topic hasn't spoken to me yet so that's why I am a little weary about tackling it. The readings for this week were very informative perhaps a little bit too informative because I was very sure of myself before I started reading. Well wish me luck and I wish all of you the same.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Reflections wk. II EDLD 5301

This week was a week of thinking and evaluation, after reading chapter 2 it caused me re-evaluate what I wanted to do for my action research. It was a lot harder thinking of topics to place in part 2 of the assignment choosing topics for the 9 common action research topics. I got a better understanding during the web conference concerning what I am supposed to be concentrating on. I am headed in the right direction but I was told to narrow my search because the direction I was going I was making more work for myself. Now all I need to do is choose what I want to research with in my topic, this week really helped with clearing up some of the confusion for me.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Action Research

While reading about action research I have concluded that it is a cycle of posing questions, gathering information, reflection, and deciding on a course of action. The purpose is to work to improve the quality of an organization and its performance. When there’s a problem, difficult questions need to be asked and the problem should demand action. Action research can be completed by a team of colleagues or by an individual.

A good problem resists structure, and leads to surprises. Action research requires change and the only way to make that change is to look at the problem in a different context, and from a different perspective. By looking at the larger picture we can make comparisons and apply the problem to different groups of people to gauge the outcomes from each group. Action research allows for researchers to have control over the progress, collect data, and share periodic reports, this allows the researcher to be in control of how and when the plan will be implemented. Then there is the reflection; looking back on the action after the data is collected it is during this time you assess if the new approaches are effective, give feedback with other members of the team and decides which approaches will be included in the team’s organizations.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Educational Leaders Use of Blogs

Educational leaders can use blogging as a means of sharing news, inspiration and keeping educators informed of the latest technology. Blogging will also give educators a chance to share concerns and issues they maybe having concerning student involvement and ideas that will help others be successful in the classroom. Educational leaders can also encourage educators to share lesson plans as well as teaching strategies.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Course Reflections

1. What outcomes had you envisioned for this course? Did you achieve those outcomes? Did the actual course outcomes align with those that you envisioned?

I envisioned learning what it means to utilize technology to enhance the level of education to allow students to learn in every capable way they can. Also how to implement technology in ways that people haven’t envisioned it being used and what I learned far exceeded my expectations. In reading Teaching Kids with Tools They Really Use I learned about was to implement certain technology tools that I hadn’t envisioned using them. The outcomes of this course for me were exceptional in the fact that through research and reading I was allowed to view technology in a different light. The course really broke down the different concepts of technology by teaching me how to use wiki and blogs, without this course I really don’t think I would have every set up either of these networks. I have a new found respect for technology and the possibilities it will bring in reaching out to educate students.

2. To the extent that you achieved the outcomes, are they still relevant to the work that you do in your school? Why or why not?

Every aspect of this course fell in line with my vision of the course. I most definitely use technology in my classroom and this course just increases my knowledge of technology at ways it can be used effectively. With a group of three year olds it can be challenging finding things to keep them interested in learning. I use YouTube to its fullest by finding educational videos such as the Hip Hop Alphabet and other educational sources. This course showed me the importance of stepping up what is currently being done in order to reach the 21st Century goal, we allow students to utilize computers with educational programs but would limit them because of their age and what I really learned is that they are never too young to start pushing them to learn all they can about technology. There are certain skills they can learn with the right tools; giving them the opportunity to problem solve and explore opens the door up for questions that will lead them further into what technology has to offer.

3. What outcomes did you not achieve? What prevented you from achieving them?

The Key components of the Texas Long Range Plan is an outcome I wish I would have learned more about, I am familiar with it and know what it was developed for but if I was asked to explain the plan with someone I couldn’t do it and feel confident in doing it. This outcome was not met by my standards because I didn’t get a chance to spend as much time as I would have liked learning it due to the demands of the course. This is one component of the class that I will spend some free time reading and learning so well that I would be able to explain every aspect of the plan. The assignments were very challenging but I managed to complete each assignment in a timely manner. There were a lot of things within the class that I have heard of but had never utilized, I am glad that this class challenged me and made me step out of my comfort zone to explore the possibilities of technology.

4. Were you successful in carrying out the course assignments? If not, what prevented or discouraged you?

I feel that I was successful in carrying out the course assignments but at times while working on the assignments I felt like I was either missing something or not understanding something and this was very frustrating. This class was really a challenge I had to commit to working on some part of the assignment on a nightly basis or I wouldn’t have made it. The most challenging part of the class for me was working on the internship plan, in working with children I am required to come up with activities to go along with themes in the class but in sitting down and trying to come up with activities that parallel with the standards I drew a blank and really had to use my site mentor just to talk things over with and that was a great big help. I am dedicated to giving my all in being successful in this course and others, if not I have no one else to blame but myself.

5. What did you learn from this course…about yourself, your technology and leadership skills, and your attitudes?

I learned that technology use far exceeds what we use it for in our daily lives. Technology is the future and we must embrace everything about technology if no we will get left behind. Educators can’t just depend on the average tools to teach they have to move forward with all advancement. About myself, I learned that I am not a quitter, even though I wanted to throw in the towel and give up, my inner voice kept telling me not to give up because what I am doing know will pay off in the future. My technology and leadership skills are good but I learned that they need improvement especially where technology is concerned. I need to learn all I can about the current uses of technology and build from there. My attitude about technology and its use has always been positive; I enjoy learning about and using new technology in the classroom.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Web Conference 2/16

Participated in the last Web Conference for the class on Thursday, February 16, 2012 in which I was well informed of the upcoming activities. Mrs. Borel talked about what is expected of us to complete this course and also uploaded the PowerPoint from the conference on the class blog, which reiterated what she explained. It was explained to us about the Internship Plan and the expected completion date, posting it on our wiki as well as uploading it to our TK20 along with the Principals Competencies Chart. I really enjoyed the conference because it gave me the opportunity to meet some different members of the class and put names with faces, also there is always someone who will ask a question that you didn't think about that will help you in completing a task. I look forward to the rest of the program.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

National Education Technology Plan (NETP)

In reading the National Education Technology Plan (NETP) the goals and recommendations are very clear in respects to teaching, learning and professional development and training.  With this plan it is very clear that with teaching and learning that educators are increasing the use of technology into their curriculum these changes are reaching and empowering today’s learners with everything they need to deal with the growing use of technology. Not only is it reaching the students but it is helping the educators to design curriculum that promotes critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and college and career readiness. Educators have to develop things that are age appropriate for all levels of learners. According to the plan states should continue to revise, create and implement standards using what is defined as the 21st Century technology.

Professional development and training are also key factors in succeeding for the 21st Century learner. Districts have developed several opportunities for educators to receive the training they need to keep up with the advancements in technology. Technology is constantly being revised and improving; therefore there is always a need for training. There are 20 regional education service centers that play a critical role in providing training for educators so that they are able to teach in the 21st Century classroom. These trainings will enable educators to be able to create and increase their technology skills in order for them to implement and present to their students assignments, and assessments that are technology based.

There are also grants in place that allow for the educational training needed for educators such as Title II , Part D which states that at least 25% of funding go towards professional development. Educators also have access to online, and state owned instructional material.

Web Conference

Attending the first web conference gave me a chance to work with the program to figure out how everything would work. During this conference there were a lot of technical difficulties such as feedback, echoing, and conversations fading in and out. But it gave everyone a chance to work out the kinks and get prepared for the mandatory web conference.

This web conference was an official meeting that was very informative; Mrs. Borel discussed components of the class during this time. She discussed in detail when assignments are due because there seems to be a discrepancy on the web site as to when assignments are due. The internship plan, competencies chart and reflections that are due during week 5, during week 3 the application for internship and site mentor agreement are due. The role of the site mentor was thoroughly explained and everyone was able to ask questions. I was confused about some of the components of the class but they were all cleared after this web conference. It was also good to be able to put faces with names, it personalized some of the interaction that I have with some of the class members in discussions throughout the week.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

School or District Technology Plan

The Beaumont Independent School District’s technology plan falls in line with the key areas of the Long-Range Plan for technology of the state and there plan has to be approved by an SLD-certified technology plan approver. The key areas of that plan are:

·         Teaching and Learning

·         Educator Preparation and Development

·         Leadership, Admin., Instructional Support

·         Infrastructure for Technology

The Technology plan has predicted by 2020 that all Texas schools will fall in line with this plan. The technology application addresses the recommendations of the Long-Range Technology Plan 2006-2020 and helps to define the requirements for educators and students in accordance with the No Child Left Behind. The purpose of the Technology Application curriculum is to guarantee educators and students expand and apply what is known as the 21st Century digital knowledge and skills within the curriculum.

Beaumont ISD is requiring professional development training for all teachers. There are key classifications with required hours of training for each classification.

·         Early Tech-less than 9 hrs.

·         Developing Tech-9-18 hrs.

·         Advanced Tech-19-29 hrs.

·         Target Tech-30 or more hrs.

Funding for technology is determined through the E-Rate which is a program that provides discounts to assist schools and libraries in the United State to gain affordable telecommunications and Internet access. There are certain qualifications that has to be met before a district is considered for funding. The districts technology plan has to include the following:
·         Clear goals and a realistic strategy

·         A professional development strategy

·         An assessment of the telecommunication

·         An evaluation process that enables monitoring progress by the school and library

The E-Rate program has an application process and before funding is awarded to a school or a district they must meet all requirements and file all required forms and meet all deadlines for each form.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Technology Assessments

Assessments are used for multiple reasons and allows for the measurement of what matters, and measures strengths and weaknesses in all areas for educators and students. Technology based assessments can be very beneficial in that they can help make decisions concerning what is needed to reach a specific goal and can help to modify curriculum to fit a student’s specific need as well as help improve the current education system. But there are also some disadvantages to some types of assessments. An assessment that is given in test form can give false information in its results because some assessments want specific actions in order for the question to be answered correctly. An example for this would be an assessment of knowledge and skills in Microsoft word. When taking these types of assessments the instructions are clear as to what they want done within the program in order for the task to be completed but the problem is there maybe 10 different ways to complete the task, however, the computer wants a specific sequence of actions. Most assessments of this kind are set to keep a record of incomplete actions it takes for a person to answer correctly.

Assessments with cognitive research and theory that concentrate on how students think with multimedia, interactivity, and connectivity allows for these skills to be assessed. When placed with learning systems, technology-based assessments make it easier to diagnose and modify the circumstances in learning and instructional practices. Some systems are designed to assess student’s data as it is entered, during this process the information is used to determine the student’s knowledge and problem-solving skills as they are working. The more the student works the more the system learns about the student and their skills, which allows the system to provide the support the student needs to move forward in improving in technology.