Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Reflections of EDLD 5363 Multimedia Video Technology

Web Conference serve as an excellent tool that helps to assist with class work for online classes. Sometimes we look to deep into an assignment to the point of not understanding or making the simplest things more complicated.

I attended conferences on June 4, 16, and 30th, each one of the conferences helped me with things that I was looking to deep into causing me confusion and misunderstanding of what I was supposed to be doing.

During week one working on the storyboard was fun, the only thing I had a problem with was learning the new program. During the web conference I learned somethings about some programs that I had never heard of, you get comfortable with what you use and never think about trying new programs or software.

During week two the conference gave me a chance to meet some new members in the program, during this time I got a chance to talk with different people to start looking at people who I might work well with in a group setting. I had no idea who I would be able to work with effectively to get the job done that we needed to get done in weeks 3, 4, and 5. Some of the instructions were a little confusing only because I was looking to much into them and making them seem harder then they really were. I got a chance to ask questions during the conference that clarified some things for me pertaining to the work.

During the conference in week four, there were several people with the same question about the group projects and the assignment documents that went along with it. During the previous week and this week our group met on google hangout several times to get our project in it's final stages in order to only have to tweak during the last week. People were a little confused about one of the assignment documents that said we were supposed to upload our video to a free link like YouTube and submit the link, Dr. Abernathy cleared this up by stating as a group we just add that "Our group is currently working on editing and finalizing our PSA video."

This class has really given me the opportunity to work with other video editing and audio software that I have never used before. I work with video editing software and I like to stick with what I know but enjoyed working with the others because they are a lot simpler than Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum. I have worked it for awhile and I still have a lot to learn how to manipulate and maneuver. I wrote down every software and program that was suggested during the conferences because it never hurts to learn a little about all of them.

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